Jennifer Jahncke

Jennifer Jahncke

Postdoctoral Scholar

Oregon Health & Science University

About Me

Jennifer is a postdoc in the Wright Lab at the Vollum Institute at Oregon Health & Science University. Under the mentorship of Dr. Kevin Wright she studies the role that the scaffolding protein dystroglycan plays in the structure and function of inhibitory synapses in the brain. Her goal is to further our understanding of the cognitive symptoms that are experienced by dystroglycanopathy patients. Jennifer is also interested in data science and science communication. In her free time Jennifer can be found hiking, crocheting, making art, and petting dogs.


  • PhD in Neuroscience, 2024

    Oregon Health & Science University

  • BS in Psychology, 2014

    University of California, Davis


Science Communication - Science for non-scientists.

Science Around Us - Science is all around us. Learn about concepts in mathematics and neuroscience through the medium of photography and graphic design.


Immunohistochemistry: Adding Color to the Brain

Have you ever wondered how we make these bright and beautiful images of proteins in the brain? It’s done using a technique called immunohistochemistry, which we also call IHC or immuno.

A Thread: Molecular Mechanisms of Non-ionotropic LTD

Preprint featuring one of the projects I worked on during my time as a research assistant! Here we start to put together the molecular signaling pathway downstream of non-ionotropic LTD and spine shrinkage.

Recent Posts

Neurohackademy 2023: Calculating an Author's O-Index

Neurohackademy is an annual two-week long course offered at University of Washington in Seattle. The course covers some coding basics (python) and applications to neuroimaging. I attended the course in 2023 hoping to get some more neuroscience-centered coding experinece.

Heart Beats on Our Wedding Day

I love data, so I wanted to somehow plot my wedding day. My now-husband wore his Fitbit on his wrist and I wore mine on my ankle (you can see it in the picture below).

Reviewer Randomizer Shiny App

Last month I wrote a simple python script to help my graduate program to randomly assign reviewers to applicants during application season. Since writing that script I have (1) updated the script to make sure each applicant has at most one trainee reviewer and make sure that the division of labor is distributed equally and (2) built a python shiny app that I’ve deployed on shinyapps.

Application Season: Randomly Assigning Reviewers

My PI recently proposed a little side project for me: could I use my recently refreshed python skills to write a little code that would take in a list of applicants and a list of reviewers and randomly assign 3 reviewers to each applicant?

Introduction Into Web Scraping with Portland Burger Week

I take the Portland food weeks very seriously. My partner and I make a list of our must-trys and then I make out plan of attack. We usually hit up 2-3 places a night until we’ve exhausted all the places that we wanted to try.
