
Neurohackademy 2023: Calculating an Author's O-Index

Neurohackademy is an annual two-week long course offered at University of Washington in Seattle. The course covers some coding basics (python) and applications to neuroimaging. I attended the course in 2023 hoping to get some more neuroscience-centered coding experinece.

Heart Beats on Our Wedding Day

I love data, so I wanted to somehow plot my wedding day. My now-husband wore his Fitbit on his wrist and I wore mine on my ankle (you can see it in the picture below).

Reviewer Randomizer Shiny App

Last month I wrote a simple python script to help my graduate program to randomly assign reviewers to applicants during application season. Since writing that script I have (1) updated the script to make sure each applicant has at most one trainee reviewer and make sure that the division of labor is distributed equally and (2) built a python shiny app that I’ve deployed on shinyapps.

Application Season: Randomly Assigning Reviewers

My PI recently proposed a little side project for me: could I use my recently refreshed python skills to write a little code that would take in a list of applicants and a list of reviewers and randomly assign 3 reviewers to each applicant?

Introduction Into Web Scraping with Portland Burger Week

I take the Portland food weeks very seriously. My partner and I make a list of our must-trys and then I make out plan of attack. We usually hit up 2-3 places a night until we’ve exhausted all the places that we wanted to try.

Sick With Mono

The Data: Heart Rate and Temperature Measurements While Sick Somehow I managed to get mono during a global pandemic at the age of 28. While I was sick I kept track of my temperature just using an oral thermometer, noting the time and temperature.

Where's Waldo?

The Data: Where’s Waldo? This data was found on Data Is Plural, originally posted January 2017. From Data Is Plural: In 2015, computer scientist Randy Olson tried computing “the optimal search strategy for finding Waldo” in the seven original Where’s Waldo?

Avocado Prices in the US

The Data: Avocado Prices This data was found on Kaggle, originally pulled from the Hass Avocado Board website in 2018 and then updated in 2020. From the Hass Avocado Board:

Racial Bias in Fatal Police Shootings

Presentation: Hear me talk through the making of this visualization. All code featured in the presentation (and more!) can be found in the sections below. The Data: Despite the frequency with which incidents of police brutality occurs in the US, an official centralized record of police violence does not exist.

Side Effects of Psychiatric Medications

The Data: SIDER 4.1 Side Effect Resource From the website: SIDER contains information on marketed medicines and their recorded adverse drug reactions. The information is extracted from public documents and package inserts.