how to

Racial Bias in Fatal Police Shootings

Presentation: Hear me talk through the making of this visualization. All code featured in the presentation (and more!) can be found in the sections below. The Data: Despite the frequency with which incidents of police brutality occurs in the US, an official centralized record of police violence does not exist.

Radar Diagrams: Electrical Properties of Brain Cells

Radar plots are also known as spider web or polar plots. These charts are useful for conveying information about multiple quantitative variables using multiple axes, arranged in a circle. In R it is technically possible to use ggplot2 to make these kinds of charts but the fmsb package allows for much easier and more readily customizable charts.

Chord Diagrams: Religious Composition of Romantic Partners

Also known as “radial network diagrams”, chord diagrams are useful for representing connections between groups (“nodes”). The nodes are circularly arranged and relationships are represented using “chords” connecting two nodes.

The Ridgeline Plot: Danceability Across the Ages

Ridgeline plots are a variation of density plots in which you aim to compare the distributions of several categorical variables (represented on the y-axis) for a single continuous variable (represented on the x-axis).